Bat Mitzvá: Milan Cohen

El próximo lunes 31, la joven Milan, hija de Scott y Lourdes Cohen, será llamada por primera vez a la Torá asumiendo de esta forma su condición de adulta en el seno del pueblo judío.

Compartimos unas reflexiones de Milan sobre la lectura de la Torá y su ceremonia de Bat Mitzvá:

Why was God so harsh with his strict rules and disastrous consequences? Thinking this brought an idea to mind. What would life be like with no consequences? Life would be meaningless. If those who put effort into reaching their goals were given just as much as those who didn’t, nothing would have any value.
All in all, my parashah helped me appreciate the fact that things have consequences and allowed me to see the bright side of the way things are. Now that I am a Bat Mitzvah, this has allowed me to see that I should no longer complain about the consequences that I am faced with. Instead I should appreciate that I am being given this punishment and take it as a learning experience.

 ¡Mazal Tov para Milan y para toda su familia!